Friday, June 1, 2018

Abusive Head Trauma

         I grew up in a Hispanic culture where there is no belief in this syndrome. I remembered my family carry babies shaking them up and down like a game. They did this to make the newborn laugh I guess. Something I will never forget is when my newborn niece was shaken roughly by my brother-in-law because she won't stop crying, and my sister immediately hold her and the baby's face was turning from red to purple. Luckily, it was just that the baby got scared or something because they didn’t take her to a hospital. I was so scared something happened to her if my brother in law continued doing that to the baby. I couldn't understand why would they have a baby if they didn’t have patient for the baby. Now as a mother of a two-year-old children, I never reacted that way to shaking my baby. Even though I grew up with those beliefs in which nothing would happen to the baby, I never did it. Why? It is your baby, why would parents do this kind of actions? I am now planning my second child and I am making sure I won't do this to
my baby. Education classes can help parents better understand the dangers of violent shaking and may provide tips to soothe a crying baby and manage stress.

Marijuana Controversial

             Should marijuana be legalized? There are many advantages by using marijuana. It is prove that marijuana does helps medical issues. For example, studies have suggested that marijuana is only slightly better than a placebo in reducing acute inflammation. It also helps pain, seizures and other illnesses. I believe that people should be responsible on what the want to take for medication. It is important that people are aware of the effects of marijuana. be well informed before consuming any medicinal drug in this case life would change because the closer this marijuana is to my family I worry about using it without being informed. But as long it is taken with the only purpose of some kind of treatment I agree. As a parent I think we have the responsibility of how we raise our children. if we teach them of good they will not make bad decisions in case of the use of marijuana. What I've seen happen is that during high school marijuana becomes very common for young people. Adolescents that only to be fashionable use marijuana. They are not well informed of the effects of this drug.

Jim Carrey

       Jim Carrey ability to entertain people on stage looking happy; however, on the inside his background is full of darkness. The main problem of his depression was caused by family socioeconomic problems and other circumstances that did not permit him to step up. At the time he was a teenager he was working as a janitor. Due to financial issues he left school. The lack of spirituality made him not believe in himself anymore.  He had tough relationships who made him a person with almost no feelings. Jim once said, " My life is full peeks" and valleys." His journey through life was full of ups and down. According to Carrey, what helped him was the ability to maintain strong on his work career as an actor-comedian. For example, making people smile was the best feeling he could get. He soon realized how much he wanted to what he is now, a successful person.

Only Daughter

Although Sandra's accomplished her goals and was successful in life, she wanted her father approval. In fact, Sandra was the only daugh...